ONGC Systems

Benefits Of Outsourcing Your IT Department

IT team on computers

With the growing need for technology to be implemented into almost every aspect of a business, remaining organised and streamlining operations can prove somewhat tedious. Without trained, knowledgeable technicians on board, IT operations are at immense risk from potential dangers such as cybercriminals. Keeping all data confidential, secure and protected can become a significant task to tackle. With this in mind, businesses of all industries now opt for outsourcing the responsibility to professionals. There are a plethora of benefits towards outsourcing your IT department – here we run through the top ten!

10 Advantages Of Outsourcing Your IT Department

When outsourcing an IT department, it is entirely your choice the level of responsibility you hand over to your provider. Whether you require an entire IT infrastructure management package or lack expertise in implementing a particular project, the perfect solution can be created. Providers will spend time understanding your requirements to devise a package that allows you to pay for what you need, when you need it.

If you are considering outsourcing your organisations IT operations, then browsing through the key benefits will help you to make your decision. We have put together a guide to the ten most significant advantages of making the transition.

Enhanced Security

According to Smart Company, it is thought that, in 2017 alone, a vast 516,380 small Australian businesses fell victim to a cyber attack. This causes approximately 25 hours of business downtime and costs an average of $4677 to ensure that data is freed from ransomware.

While an in-house IT department may have experience in protecting sensitive information, they are unlikely to equal the capabilities of a professional provider. When investing in managed IT solutions, businesses can be assured that their data will remain safe from potential cyber threats. All manner of preventative measures can be implemented such as workstation and server auditing, updated firewall installation, anti-virus monitoring and many more. Cybersecurity strategies will continue to be assessed to ensure that they are of the highest level, and the protection of client’s data is rarely compromised when the right strategies are implemented. In the event of a potential cyber threat, your managed IT provider has the ability to be alerted to ensure that risks are mitigated before they have a chance to develop. In conclusion, you will be increasingly less likely to experience an attack, giving peace of mind that confidential details will never get into the wrong hands.

Guaranteed Compliance

It is imperative for all IT operations to be streamlined in order to guarantee compliance. Regardless of the scale of your business, failure to remain compliant with regulations can come alongside potentially fatal consequences. The benefit of confirmed compliance interlinks with the previous point of protection against cybersecurity attacks.

Cybercriminals continue to be one of the leading culprits for compromising compliance, particularly if you operate in an industry that requires holding a considerable amount of customer/client data. Data such as customer names, addresses and card details must all remain confidential to ensure that Notifiable Data Breach (NDB) (Australia) & GDPR (EMEA) laws are met. NDB & GDPR relates to how an organisation processes personal data; for Australian businesses, this means:

More information on GDPR compliance can be found on We Are August. Details on NDB can be found at the Office of the Australian Information Consumer.

Mitigate Risks

Every business, regardless of industry or scale, is susceptible to risks. Whether it may be security risks such as cyberattacks or natural disasters such as a flood or fire, remaining prepared for emergencies is vital. In outsourcing IT operations, the responsibility of risk management will be shared with your provider, and a dedicated consultant will work with you on assessing and strategising against risks. They will utilise their expertise and knowledge to implement preventative measures, ensuring that your business avoids downtime.

As specialists in IT services in Brisbane and the Gold Coast, ONGC provides clients with the option to set up a tailored disaster recovery plan, which is ideal for preparing for emergencies. A continuity plan is created, which ensures the security of all IT systems and data, should a disaster strike. Not only do strategies cover common threats such as hackers but also problems such as equipment failure and power cuts.

Experienced, Trained Team

When building an in-house IT department, unless you have extensive industry experience, it can be tricky to spot candidates who you can entrust to oversee all operations. It takes a considerable amount of training, knowledge and experience to be able to pinpoint those who would be suitable for handling any IT-related problem that the company may face.

When opting for outsourcing operations, on the other hand, you can be assured when partnering with a reputable provider that team members have the correct certifications and qualifications to carry out their role to the highest level. Providers who specialise in managed IT solutions will handpick only the best of the best technicians, who remain up to date with all technological advancements. It is also more than likely that, to remain in their role, all technicians must participate in ongoing training to further develop their skills. Regardless of the problem that you are facing, there will be a professional who would have experience dealing with even the most complex of challenges.

Implement New Technology

The key to a successful IT department is the ability to innovate and implement the latest technology. Failing to stay on track with technological updates can quickly cause your business to fall behind competitors. It also means that you cannot be entirely sure that you remain compliant with regulations and data protection laws.

As a small business with little technical knowledge, planning, and successfully executing an IT-based project can come alongside an array of hurdles. It takes a considerable amount of financing, willpower and technical expertise to ensure that the project runs smoothly. In outsourcing IT operations, a project that may take months to complete in-house, can be accomplished within weeks, saving both time and money. Your IT provider will combine their years of experience and knowledge of how to successfully innovate to guarantee results. It means that your business will always be able to take advantage of the latest, cutting-edge technology, regardless of scale. More information on how to implement new tech in the workplace can be found on Slade Group.

Lower Costs

Financing an IT department can prove incredibly tricky, particularly as a small to medium-sized business. Not only must there be an adequate budget set aside for employee salaries, but also crucial components such as servers, computers and telecommunications equipment. Expenses can quickly begin to accumulate, which often causes an unfortunate snowball effect.

Although at first, outsourcing an entire IT department may appear a substantial investment, it is, in fact, considerably cheaper than managing operations in-house. When enlisting business IT support, a monthly package is created, which includes all services that you would like to utilise. It is your choice whether you opt for a fixed fee or variable costs which change based on what services you require, allowing you to take full control over costs. In other words, outsourcing operations means that you pay for what you need when you need it, making budgeting a straightforward task.

Focus On Your Business

Regardless of your industry, whether it may be finance, construction or the engineering industry, it is more than likely that there will be limited resources in terms of IT equipment and technical knowledge. This forces those who already have a large workload to take on additional pressure to streamline IT operations. In many cases, team members such as line managers see themselves taking on new responsibilities merely to ensure that they avoid any IT-related downtime.

Handing the responsibility of IT management over to those who are experts in the field means that your company can stay focused on business goals. There will no longer be any last-minute distractions if, for example, the server fails, as all complex IT operations will be managed by the professionals. In doing this, you can focus on what you do best, growing your business and striving in your industry.

24/7/365 Monitoring

Even if you have an in-house IT department filled with qualified technicians, there will always be limitations in terms of staff availability. Unfortunately, unless you are a global brand, there will not be the resources, nor budget, to guarantee that operations will be monitored every hour of the day and every day of the year. Whereas, professional IT management companies have both the tools and staff to be able to accommodate 24/7/365 monitoring of all devices. They aim to keep your business online at all times, regardless of any potential issues that may arise. Serious problems can be foreseen and resolved before they have a chance to cause any downtime.

Increased Productivity

As mentioned previously, outsourcing IT operations to a professional provider will enable your business to focus on reaching its goals; therefore, increasing productivity. Because you will be free to concentrate solely on your role, you can focus on developing your skills and taking on larger projects. No longer will there be any distractions from last-minute IT hiccups. It also means that, even if an issue did arise, you could have peace of mind that it will be resolved within a matter of minutes. There will no longer be any downtime trying to find the root cause of problems as it will be managed by your provider.

Another way that outsourcing IT enhances productivity is through implementing new technology. Over time, technology becomes dated, which means that it is no longer compatible with the latest industry updates. Devices can become slow and unreliable, making each task considerably more tedious. In regularly replacing your technology with modern alternatives, you can continue to refine processes, making them as efficient as possible.

Ongoing Support

The last, but perhaps the most beneficial, aspect of outsourcing IT is that every team member will be provided with ongoing support from industry specialists. Once you build a relationship with providers and entrust them to manage operations, they will be just a phone call away if you have any questions regarding technology. Whether you want to install modernised telecommunications, switch to cloud computing or any other tech-related project, they can provide expert advice and guide you in the right direction.

Outsource IT Operations & Reap The Benefits

While at first, it may seem like a costly decision to outsource your IT department, it is most definitely a worthwhile investment. Not only can managed IT solutions save you both time and money, but they also come alongside a plethora of fantastic benefits to develop your business. Having continuous support from knowledgeable, experienced technicians means that you will always be up to date with the latest technology, allowing you to stand out from the crowd and grow in your industry.

As one of the leading IT support companies on the Gold Coast and in Brisbane, ONGC Systems is always more than happy to advise the most effective solutions for your company. Through spending time understanding your requirements the current issues that your IT operations face, a bespoke package can be created to guarantee success.

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