ONGC Systems

How Secure is My Password? Put It To The Test!

How Secure is My Password?

As our world moves closer to a cloud-based environment, and with a heavy focus on personal security and privacy, it is vital to make sure your data is as secure as it can be.

But How Can I Be Sure That I’m Being as Secure as Possible?

Well, the answer to this question has changed significantly in the last few years. As computer and server infrastructure gets more powerful, the old method of password creation; for example, substituting letters for numbers and throwing a few symbols; L1k3Th1$!, is no longer as secure as people would have you think.

A Dictionary Attack is the method of brute-forcing a password based on trying all the strings (Words) in a pre-arranged listing (Dictionary). This dictionary doesn’t just contain words in the English language anymore. It contains L33T Speak, i.e. Replacing numbers for letters in a word. You can try out L33T Speak here.

What this means, is that creating a password based around your most beloved pet’s name with a few numbers or symbols thrown in, is now something that can be brute-forced in a matter of hours, or even minutes in some cases.

So, How do I Change This?

Introducing Passphrases. Did you know that passwords can contain spaces? Most people don’t! This alone is a big way to improve the strength of your password quickly, whilst also containing something memorable that you don’t have to write down!

There are three factors you need to remember for creating a secure password: Variety, Length and Characters.

What this Means:

Variety: Never use the same password more than once.

Length: Set your minimum password length to 10 for ALL your passwords

Characters: Mix it up and add that extra $ sign in. Don’t forget to add spaces to your password.

Once you have created your new password, check the strength of it using this fantastic tool; How Secure Is My Password. Dashlane estimates the time it takes to crack your password using the algorithms listed above.

Enhancing Your Password Security

Never forget that even with a strong password your account isn’t 100% secure. If passwords aren’t regularly changed, it can provide ‘hackers’ with more time to brute-force your password and eventually access your systems.

The best way to reduce this risk is to forcibly provide a second required means of authentication to access your account. Most people know this as Multi-Factor Authentication. Pairing a good password with Multi-Factor Authentication is the best way to ensure you and your data stay yours. If you would like to read more about Multi-Factor Authentication, you can find out more here. If you are interested in seeking out advice and IT Support in the Gold Coast in regards to your company passwords, then get in touch with a member of our team.

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