ONGC Systems

Demystifying Automation: 3 Ways to Streamline Operations for Nonprofits

Do you have endless ideas about the things you can do to help people, or for easier access to healthcare services, or to improve indigenous peoples’ wellbeing? But you can only do so much, right?

If only you had an extra pair of hands or more funds, maybe you can do more. Well, there is this thing called automation. It can help you accomplish more, attract more donors, help more people, and even decrease costs.

What Your Non-profit Can Automate

Nonprofits don’t have to get left behind. Here are three effective ways (each broken down into several action points) you can use automation.

Raise More Funds Using Fundraising Automation

You can always do better with more resources. So, here’s what can you automate in the fundraising process:

Automate Communications & Nurture Relationships

Communication covers a broad area of your operations, and automation can be used in most of them. Here are some ideas (aside from those already mentioned above):

Enlist More Volunteers with Automated Signups

A survey found that most volunteers become involved in causes to help others or the community (73%) and to do something worthwhile and satisfying (67%). They could be just waiting for an easy way to sign up so they can jump in to help with your organisation.

More Automation Opportunities for Your Non-profit

Fundraising, communications, and volunteer management are just three of the big ways that automation can help your nonprofit. Other areas where you can automate are:

How to Get Started with Automation

Artificial intelligence and other emerging tech innovations are changing the non-profit landscape. Automation presents you with new opportunities to boost efficiency, productivity, and impact. Here are the quick steps to get you started:

  1. Assess your operations. Identify tasks or processes you can potentially automate.
  2. Choose the right automation tools and software for each task or process.
  3. Implement automation. (Note down your pre-automation data.)
  4. Track your progress by comparing resulting KPIs with previous/baseline data. Make adjustments as needed.

If you’re unsure how to do all these, having an IT consultant can help. You may enquire with ONGC today about how we can help improve your operations so you can do more with less.

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