ONGC Systems

Running a Business in Brisbane? Are You Meeting National Cyber Security Standards?

Security protection

The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) is responsible for national cyber security in Australia. ACSC works on computer security threats and solutions faced by the Australian community to protect information and data.

In present times, almost all Australian organisations rely on the internet to conduct business activities. This has increased the risk of cyber threats; hence, there is a need for more comprehensive cyber security solutions provided by IT consultant in Brisbane.

Here are a few Cyber Security Standards set by the Australian Government:

The Australian Signals Directorate

The ASD is the peak advisory body of the Commonwealth that focuses on cyber security. It has set eight main mitigation strategies to help protect your ICT system known as the ‘Essential Eight’. The ASD suggests that implementing these eight cyber security strategies will help reduce cyber intrusions by almost 85%. Since every business is concerned with computer security threats and solutions, they should comply with these mitigation strategies.

“These four mitigation strategies include application whitelisting, patching applications, patching operating systems and using the latest version and lastly, minimizing administrative privileges” that can help maintain industrial cyber security.

The Australian Government Cyber Security Operations Centre’s 

The Cyber Security Operations Centre (CSOC) is an Australian agency that operates under the Attorney General of the Commonwealth. It serves towards presenting questions to the management of an organisation.

Your cyber security providers will ensure that you comply with these standards. When setting cyber security standards, companies should ask themselves the following questions:

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