ONGC Systems

Are You SURE Your Website Is Secure?

Security doesn’t just stop with your company data in or out of the Cloud. It goes further than this – including to your website(s). Whether you have coded your own (kudos to you!) or use a CMS – (Content Management System) such as WordPress or Wix, the website won’t protect itself; they need as much care and attention as any data you look after “offline”.

Website security is quite commonly overlooked as websites are more often than not considered a ‘set and forget’ resource. Just like your other business IT systems, your website requires regular maintenance and upkeep to ensure it is up to date and secure. If your website isn’t secure, it makes it easy for hackers and cyber criminals to get into it and install malicious code (this can pass onto any user’s computer if they trigger it), steal data or even change the entire website design/redirection.


Don’t stress!


There are plenty of ways to know whether a website is secure – you can check the following things:



Other things to note are:


Most, if not all of the above can be easily managed by your IT department or Website manager. If you have any questions or feel you would like to gain more information on this topic, ONGC will be happy to review your current website or discuss the options for website support and management.

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