ONGC Systems

10 Ways to Transform Your Business with AI and Automation

Recent findings from the Australian Bureau of Statistics show that spending for Research & Experimental Development (R&D) was highest in professional, scientific, and technical services. The industry used 38% of that in Information & Computing Sciences.

What is behind this trend? Tech innovation produces results.

Accountants Daily noted: “With efficiencies gained from technology adoption, successful [accounting] firms are able to prioritise proactive client engagement, new business generation and growing their advisory services.”

Legal services are looking to use litigation, transactional, and knowledge management AI tools, as outlined in Gilbert + Tobin’s Artificial Intelligence Work Group Project Australia.

Consulting firm Deloitte believes innovation “is not a ‘nice to have’ anymore’ and that “organisations who can’t or won’t ‘do’ innovation are struggling to keep up.”

So, how far along has your business gone with AI-powered innovation? Here are some ideas to spur you further.

1. Rapid Document Review

Do your staff have to pore over volumes of documents?

2. Responsive Chatbots & 24/7 Hotlines

With automated recordings, clients don’t have to wait long on customer support hotlines. Automated recordings on 24/7 support systems can respond to calls even while your staff are away.

Also, a chatbot on your website can:

3. Automated Risk Assessment

AI and automation can revolutionise risk assessment. Risk managers can thus identify, assess, and mitigate risks more effectively:

4. Streamlined Scheduling

Your appointment and scheduling process can be seamless with AI.

5. AI-powered CRM

Your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system can tap into AI and automation features for:

6. Goal-Oriented Marketing

Improve your marketing efficiency, effectiveness, and customer experience. See desired results by using AI to:

These can prove to be more cost-effective and bring you better ROI.

7. Robust Research

Automated businesses like legal, accounting, and financial services firms can benefit hugely from automation and AI-driven research.

8. Efficient Compliance Monitoring

AI can be used for compliance processes and tasks:

These can help reduce your risk, improve efficiency, and ensure compliance with all applicable regulations.

9. Financial Forecasting & Predictive Analytics

AI can analyse data to help with managing investments and providing advice.

10. Talent Recruitment Upgrade

Your business can use AI to improve your recruitment process.

AI & Automation: Game Changers for Professional Services

Artificial intelligence in business can boost your efficiency, accuracy, and consistency. Time and costs can go down when you automate business processes. But AI and automation are not silver bullets – you must harness them strategically to get the best results.

Be prepared as well to hurdle challenges. Address resistance and related concerns via integration and training. Build a resilient team that can smoothly manage change.

Seize the opportunity now. Embrace AI and automation to transform your business. ONGC can help you – just dial 1800 664 248 or send us a message today.

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